Many Roads One Camera

Travel Blog and Photos

Tucson Day 3

Another good running around Saguaro. I went back to the west park, Tucson Mountain. I spent most of the day slowly walking around the Signal Hill Nature Trail. This is the trail that has the petroglyphs. They are not very far from the parking lot. The trail is only .5 miles round trip but there are several other trails that branch off Signal Hill. I walked around on a couple of them. Besides looking for landscape scenes I spent a lot of time looking for critters. While I was looking at the petroglyphs, I found several rock squirrels. They scurried all over the rocks where the petroglyphs were. A couple were even camera friendly and posed for me. I also found a Gila Wren at a hole in a Saguaro cactus. I took a bunch of pictures and got one decent one. It’s not a trophy winner because it was so far away but it was something that I set out this morning to find. Maybe in the next couple of days I will find one that is closer, but if not, I got this one. After the light got too harsh to continue taking pictures, I went to Old Tucson. This is a movie studio where a lot of western movies and TV series were filmed. John Wayne made El Dorado, McClintock and several others. Also, other movies like Three Amigos were filmed there. TV series like Maverick and Wagon Train. I was there in the mid-80s with my son. I thought things looked a little different than I remembered then I found out that they had a major fire in the 90s that destroyed about 45% of the studios. You can see more images of Saguaro at

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