Many Roads One Camera

Travel Blog and Photos


Month: March 2019

Ash Meadows and Dante’s View

I appreciate all the love that I have been receiving from everyone that have been following me on social media. I have had some days that have been really exciting and some days that haven’t been. Then there are days Read more…

Nevada Treasure RV Resort

I have been staying at Nevada Treasure RV Resort. It is in Pahrump Nevada. The campsite is 60 miles from Furnace Creek Visitors Center in Death Valley. That may sound like a long way but in Death Valley it really Read more…

Star Wars Canyon

What a day! Day 9 in the Death Valley National Park area I spent 4 hours sitting on top of the hill shooting the fighter jets as they made their pass-through Star Wars Canyon. The actual name of the canyon Read more…

Rhyolite Nevada A Ghost Town

Again, I went somewhere else instead of inside Death Valley. I went to Rhyolite, Nevada. It is a ghost town, but it wasn’t what I expected. I was expecting something along the lines of Old Tucson. It was a ghost Read more…

Red Rock Canyon, A Different Direction

I went in a different direction today, literally. I went east toward Las Vegas to Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. It is about 10 miles outside of Las Vegas. There is a 13-mile scenic loop drive with multiple trail Read more…

Death Valley Ubehebe Crater

Well today marks one month since I left Jacksonville. It has been a pretty good month and today was a pretty good day. I left early this morning to try to get a jump on people going to Mesquite Flat Read more…

Death Valley Day 5

The rain finally stopped, and the park service managed to get some of the roads open again in and around Death Valley National Park. One of the rangers told me that the road to Badwater Basin had some areas that Read more…

KOA Palm Springs

While I was in Palm Springs to visit Joshua Tree National Park, I stayed at KOA Palm Springs. The staff were really friendly. The RV park had all the amenities that you want to include garbage pickup from the front Read more…

Death Valley Day 2

This was my second day in Death Valley. The day started at 5:15AM so that I could drive the 60 miles in order to catch the first light of the morning. I headed to Badwater Basin. Badwater Basin is the Read more…

Death Valley Day 1

I had my first day in Death Valley. I didn’t get there until later in the afternoon, so I went to Furnace Creek Visitors center first to get some information about the park. I found out that they got .85 Read more…