Many Roads One Camera

Travel Blog and Photos

Cycles of the Beauty of Yosemite NP

When I look around Yosemite National Park it amazes me how powerful Mother Nature is. She can take a large piece of granite and make a beautiful cliff. She can take a bunch of those beautiful little snow flakes and bunch them together add the warmth of spring and produce a powerful beautiful and majestic waterfall. She can also take a beautiful forest of Sequoias and pine trees and reduce them to charred sticks coming out of the ground just by using one strike of a lightning bolt. That lightning bolt starts a whole new cycle of life by re-generating new pine and Sequoia forests. When you enter Yosemite from the south entrance you drive through one of the beautiful forests in all of its green splendor rising to the heights over the granite mountains. Then you come upon an area that is darkened with black sticks and no green pine needles. It is the beginning of the new regenerating cycle that must occur to keep this part of the world beautiful for future generations. Once the fire finished its destruction the new seeds can take root and start the new cycle. Yes, I won’t see the result of this new cycle, but I do see the result of previous cycles and it is magnificent. I am leaving Yosemite tomorrow and will take with marvelous visions and memories that many people in this world can only imagine. I will be able to look at the pictures that I have taken and relish the time that I have spent here. I hope that all of you that read this can someday come to this park and enjoy it as much as I have.

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