Many Roads One Camera

Travel Blog and Photos

Sequoia National Park

After spending the night in a Walmart parking lot in Bakersfield CA listening to the engine noise of eighteen wheelers that were also spending the night. I got on the road to Three Rivers CA at about 10am. The drive up here was beautiful. I spent about an hour and a half driving through orange groves that had oranges on the trees and under them too. I thought about stopping and grabbing a couple but wasn’t sure if it was allowed.

I am staying at Sequoia RV Ranch. This is a Good Sam’s campground. It’s nice with a river flowing through it. The river is about 200 feet from my camper. So tonight, I get to listen to babbling water. This is a big improvement over last night. Also, after the other three National Parks, I have finally seen wildlife other than ravens. One of the first things that I saw was while I was hooking my trailer up, there two nesting woodpeckers in a tree next to my camping slot.

Then after dark there was a large owl flying around. After I got hooked up, I took a short trip up into the park. Wow the views are spectacular. The thing is that the road is winds back and forth a lot. There are views of giant green mountains, views of snow-capped mountains and water flowing down just about every mountain. I can’t wait until tomorrow to get further into the park and maybe even get into the part of the park that has the giant Sequoias.

Maybe even get into an area that has some snow. I only had time to take a few pictures today, so I am anxious to get more tomorrow. I am only here for five days and I hope that it will be enough. I found out today that because of spring break that the campground is filled up until the end of April.

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