Many Roads One Camera

Travel Blog and Photos

Last Day Around Sequoia NP

My last full day at Sequoia National Park was a bust as far as the park was concerned. It rained most of the night and the clouds were really low. It was near zero visibility in the mountains. Call me a wimp but I didn’t want to try to drive those really sharp switchbacks in zero visibility. So I just stayed around the Sequoia RV Ranch watching the clouds and hoping that they would finally go away.

While I was sitting there, I got out my Sigma 150-600mm lens and spent the day trying to shoot some wildlife around the campgrounds. My neighbor told me about an owl’s nest that was just down the road. I went down and found it, but the owl and the chicks were sleeping and had their backs toward me. I tried to move around to get a frontal view but couldn’t. The tree that they were in was on private property and the gate into the property was locked. I went back to the campgrounds and got a few good pictures of woodpeckers, ground squirrels and a hawk.

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