Many Roads One Camera

Travel Blog and Photos

Tucson Day 2 Saguaro NP

Wow what a day. The weather has been perfect. The temperature has been in the low 70s and just a slight breeze. I got an early start and got into Saguaro NP the Rincon Mountain District. I got into the park at about 6:30 just as the sun was rising. I spent a couple of hours slowly driving around the loop. I stopped at many pull outs to walk around and look at things to take pictures of. I did see two roadrunners today but never did see a coyote or anything from ACME. I never had a chance to get a picture of them. The first one I saw I was in the car and didn’t have time to get out before it disappeared into the underbrush. The second one was while I was walking on a trail and it ran across the trail and it was gone. I never heard a beep-beep though. I kept taking pictures until the sun got too harsh for photography. I thought about going to Colossal Cave Mountain Park, but they don’t allow tripods in the cave so I’m going to figure something else out. There is a big air museum, PIMA Air and Space Museum, just down the road from the national park so I’m thinking about going there tomorrow after the sunlight gets too harsh for landscape photography. The pictures that I captured can be seen at

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