Many Roads One Camera

Travel Blog and Photos

Tucson Day 6

I didn’t go to the park today and went to the PIMA Air and Space museum instead. Turned out that it was the right decision. It has been cloudy and cool. But the worst part was the wind. We have steady 30mph all day with gusts over 40mph. Even at the museum the sand was stinging my legs and arms. I had to keep the lens cap on and only take it off to take a picture. I didn’t want the sand to scratch the lens. There were quite a few airplanes from very old ones to some of the most recently retired models. There were even some that are still in service. They have military planes from all around the world. Of course, there are planes from all the branches of the U.S. military. I took some pictures just to document what I was seeing there is nothing to write home about. The planes are too close together to get good pictures of them.

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